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Our Societies are Very Sick

15 July 2016 14:25:00 - Last updated: 31 October 2020 14:36:22

I will not venture into explanations to try to understand the Nice massacre

Even classical condemnation serve nothing

Every time we see that horror drags more horror in a cycle of unimaginable violence

But I know one thing that evil is inherent in human nature since Cain and Abel

I also know that in almost all religions there are seeds of violence

I know that whole societies are ill or might become ill

The Germans and Nazism, Westerners and colonialism among other things

Americans and the culture of violence and racism

But to return to Nice, and if this cycle continues in France and Europe, it may undermine the secular foundations of the Republic

It might risk creating a wave of xenophobic right and racism in France and Europe

It might risk waking up the nationalist and religious demons

It might risk justifying a crusade with unpredictable violent consequences

I dare to say that calls for hatred among Muslims are stronger than calls for prayers, the examples of Iraq and Syria are more than sufficient

I dare to say that calls for hatred against the other are beyond any comprehension

I dare to say that are our societies are sick, are very sick.