If We Just Think

Naima Nawfal

أنباء الشباب

 How far of culture we are? If we just think of the mess we are living in, the lie around us, and the absurdities that steal us from the basic things we should care about, we will find the answer.

Unfortunately, we are not walking on the right road which leads us to peace, success, and stability. We are lazy and blind people, subject to exploitation and deception. We are living corruption every day and we are happy with it, happy to give up our simplest and basic rights, happy to be stolen economically, socially, and morally.

 A very simple example that comes on our minds when we talk about corruption is the big catastrophe of rubbish which is destroying and threatening our existence and causes hundreds of diseases every coming day. Really it is a shame, isn’t it? What are we waiting for? Why this terrible silence and recession about something that is killing us slowly?  Also, does every Lebanese having his normal rights to live normally? What about electricity? Water? Road safety? Salaries and insurance? Health care? And many other human needs?

 Are you, the Lebanese women, taking all your rights and living in social equity and safety?

Are you, the Lebanese children and youth, taking all your chances in education and social guidance?

 Are you, our Lebanese elderly, enjoying your life having all the medical and social care?

 Are you, the Lebanese people, satisfied with your lifestyle and living in democracy without favoritism?

 If we just think about the black hole that we are sleeping in, we will know how much we are away from the progress, development, and equity. It is the time to wake up, unite together despite our religions and gender, and refuse subordination. We are the leaders, and it is forbidden in this time to be slaves.

(Anbaa Ash- Shabab, Al-Anbaa)