Dresden or Darya or Aleppo or Yarmouk

By Walid Joumblatt

I think that the British will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the passing away of Winston Churchill.

Of course we will have plenty of books and literature about him.

He was a great leader facing Adolf Hitler and defending Britain. But I never liked or admired his colonial past that few people mention or hide.

While reading the “Independent” the 13th of this month, there is the testimony of a British POW of the destruction of Dresden.

I just think that Churchill with Air Marshal Harris ordered the destruction of this city. Why?Because the allies just wanted to leave to the soviets a city in rubble regardless of human casualties.

This city or this part of Germany later on called east Germany was already sealed to be part of Stalin empire after Yalta.

Churchill committed this crime whereby the war was almost won by the allies.

I am commenting about the cynical and despicable attitude of the so called civilized west that is no more mentioning the plight the Syrians.

All the media are focused on ISIS. Nothing about destroyed Syrian cities and millions of Syrian refugees with the countless dead or wounded or tortured. Just one more lesson of the perfidy of the so called friends of the Syrian people

One day, not in my life time a journalist or historian will write a book about this strange and sudden emergence of ISIS.

Look at the pictures of Dresden and try to find pictures of Aleppo or the suburbs of Damascus.

This does not mean that I am putting on equal level Churchill and Bashar. But I just saw similarities as for the scale of destruction.