The Roulette Game

By Walid Joumblatt

My friend Uri,

What a dreadful roulette game that rules American politics, when Las Vegas becomes the real capital of the States and the senators of the Hill are summoned to see their Caesar there, Sheldon Adelson.

You rightly described him in a previous comment as the Monster on the Hill.

He looks like the modern Nero, and Netanyahu being his favorite satrap.


It is a roulette game that already caused so many fires and that could enhance more to come.

It is a roulette game that ended long time ago the possibility of a two state solution. It is a roulette game that laid to the inferno of Gaza months ago, it is a roulette game that could lead to another war on Lebanon.

Adelson has nothing to lose except paying some money, he has plenty. Does he care really about the fate of Jews in Israel?

The warmongers senators will abide and we will just have to bet about the future tenant at the White House.

Jeb Bush will do wonders I presume.

But the roulette game will fail if Netanyahu’s arrogance leads him to think that he can subdue Lebanese or Palestinian resilience.

I have been a witness of so many Israeli aggressive wars, from 1982 and the siege of Beirut, to the 2006 war and its aftermath consequences.


The roulette game from our side does not change.

We bury our deads, we heal our wounded, and out of the rubles emerges a new generation of fighters.

Yesterday Palestinians with their leftist allies, today Hezbollah and their dedicated fighters.

It is just an endless repetition of David and Goliath roulette game.

Deep regards,

Walid Joumblatt


To read Uri Avnery’s article:  click here